CSols have recently upgraded the Links for LIMS Perkin Elmer Elan/NexION ICP-MS driver with some changes to improve useability and access to result data. The first change was to fully embrace the version 3 layout of the Elan sample loading file (.sam). The enhanced driver now passes additional information to the .sam file to fill in fields that had to be manually edited and so reduces the amount of manual entry at the instrument before a run can be started. Combined with predefined templates to position samples, QCs and blanks in the run, the driver now further reduces analyst adminstration time and transcription errors.
The other change revolves around result reporting. The new driver can now read a instrument result file exported using the ‘Comprehensive’ output format. As this report contains much more detailed information it opens up access to a wider range of variables allowing the Links for LIMS report review to conduct more complex calculations and quality checks to support the analyst during day to day running.