Clinical Biochemistry Case Studies

Also see how we have already helped Clinical Biomedical scientists do what they are best at. Please click the links below for further details of some of our clinical biochemistry and toxicology projects :

NHS Heartlands Hospital
Links for LIMS has been used at Heartlands Hospital with an AB Sciex LC MS-MS instrument system to provide transcription free transfer for the popular Vitamin D assay for high throughput analysis to the DXC Telepath LIS/LIMS system. More information.

Surrey Pathology Services – SupraRegional Assay Service (SAS)
Links for LIMS software was used with two Thermo Fisher Scientific X Series ICP-MS instruments running the PlasmaLab® software to provide a uni-directional link via the Siemens CentraLink™ middleware to the Clinisys WinPath LIS/LIMS. More information.

Galway Regional Hospital
Links for LIMS software was used with an Agilent 6460 LC-MS/MS instrument running the MassHunter software to provide a bi-directional link via the Roche PSM middleware system to the DXC (iSOFT) APEX LIS/LIMS. More information.

Simple LIMS/LIS interfacing for Immunosuppressant assays 
Immunosuppressants are a class of drugs that inhibit the body’s immune response and are typically administered to prevent the rejection of transplanted organs. When considering transcription free reporting options laboratories often face challenges. For example, validating samples to ensure they belong to the correct patient. Links for LIMS can fully complement a Sciex based Immunosuppressant assay workflow allowing the instrument to be used to its maximum capacity.  More information.

Rapid reporting in clinical toxicology laboratories
Clinical toxicology laboratories are expected to report an increasing of number of compounds for each sample in less time at an improved and demonstrable quality.  See how Links for LIMS can assist and download this application note.  More information.

Further information
Links for LIMS is not limited to running the applications that are described above and can be used for many other applications, with other vendor instruments and with a range of different LIMS systems. For a copy of an article describing the solution above, for further information about another instrument application or for a demonstration please ask via our enquiry page or call or email us at:

CSols Ltd. The Heath, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 4QX, UK Tel:   +44 (0) 1928 513535  Web:

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