New RFID labelling system speeds up identification and tracking of FFPE Blocks

By | 1st November 2016

Histology Units use a variety of systems to label Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE) Blocks. CSols new RFID labelling system speeds up identification and tracking of FFPE Blocks and tissue slices throughout your site and to other sites. You no longer need to hand-write sample identification on tissue cassettes or use labels that you need to stick over waxy surfaces or use proprietary cassette labelling systems. CSols RFTrackIT lets you use modern RFID labels and detailed sample tracking that improves traceability and regulatory compliance. One or more FFPE blocks can be identified automatically using a handheld or flatbed RFID scanner. Their location can be tracked as the blocks are moved around your site. The printed labels contain unique specimen information as well as user definable information and of course when scanned, the RFID label opens up secure access to any information that you have stored against the block.

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