CSols AqcTools™ Overview

The complete AQC software package

CSols AqcTools™ offers a wide range of integrated features so that it covers all of the capabiltes required to offer a complete laboratory AQC data management solution to help meet ISO 17025 and 15189 requirements and including the following capabilities :

  • Allows users to dynamically display a range of interactive and annotated Analytical Quality Control (AQC) charts including Shewart/ Levey-Jennings, Probability and distribution charts
  • Manual or automated import of QC data from LIMS, Links for LIMS, instuments/analysers or middleware systems
  • Automated application of Westgard rules for exception handling, with inbuilt auditable investigations of limit and trend failures
  • Integrated F & t tests and measurement of uncertainty (MoU) calculations for limit reviews
  • Comprehensive range of reports
  • Access to a SQL report tool to provide customized reports

All intended to to reduce the time to assess and process your QC data compared to semi automatied methods using Excel. Hence quickly identify potential failures, improve laboratory quality and reduce effort during external audits.  Customers in the water, environmental, forensics, clinical, public health and industrial sectors conducting any chemical, biochemical, clinical or microbiological analysis will benefit from AqcTools.

Further Information  

For more general infromation about Analytical Quality Control including reference reading and training material as well as useful web links please check out our AqcTools Reference or AqcTools FAQ pages. Please visit our new AqcTools web page for further information (New content to be added in 2025)

AqcTools in Use

AqcTools provides a selection of ‘dynamic, interactive’ charts from the standard ‘individual plotted AQC points’ to charts that can use batch or daily means of data, for both current and historic data. Seen in the figure below data points that fail Westgard Limit Rules are colour coded (red – amber – green) to make them easy to identify with quick access to statistics such as mean, standard deviation, bias, % action and % warning failures. This allows users to quickly assess the performance of the analytical method.



  • Replaces Excel and paper charting systems
  • Easy to Interpret Shewhart / Levey-Jennings Control Charts
  • Automatic Exclusion from Chart and calculations of points greater than 4SD from mean
  • All Westgard Rule Failures – Limit and Trends highlighted on Charts
  • F and t-test Statistical Analysis to MCerts and DWI standards for Chart and Limit Reviews
  • Quick and easy Calculation and Release of new Chart Limits
  • Integrated and paper-free Investigation Forms with full tracking
  • Proficiency testing (PT) / External QA scheme (EQAS) recording
  • Uncertainty of Measurement module with different calculation types and charts
  • Analyst Competency checking
  • All Actions Fully Audited
  • Data can be entered using CSols Links for LIMS instrument interfacing and integration product or via manual / template data entry or directly from LIMS
  • Lab Configurable
  • Data Confidence for Lab, Customer, Auditor and Regulator (DWI, MCerts, DWI, ISO 17025, ISO 15189)
  • Vendor supported

Data Entry

QC data can be added to AqcTools in a number of ways from simple manual entry or by the use of a configurable template to match an individual labs processes, direct capture from the instruments (via CSols Links for LIMS instrument interfacing and integration product) or directly from your LIMS.

Integrated Investigation Forms

CSols AqcTools v2.6 - Investigation and Exception Reporting

AqcTools provides a paper-free mechanism for recording investigations and the remedial actions taken in the event of Rule failures with an electronic sign-off protocol.

Additionally, users can access information directly (‘one-click’) from the chart; which along with the comments functionality allows immediate access to all the actions taken which effect analytical performance. Consequently, all of this remains accessible against ALL historic data and is available for future investigations or any regulatory or customer audits.

Furthermore, the Incomplete Exceptions report provides an easy to use tracking system to monitor progress of current investigations. This includes hyperlink access to the charts and each individual investigation report. Also, these features reduce staff time and simplify both internal quality or management reviews.

Limit and Chart Review

AqcTools provides statistical tests such as F and t-tests required by accreditation bodies for both Limit Review and Chart Review. Consequently, comprised into one easy to interpret report, that uses a colour coded system to highlight any issues. Also, to aid  investigations plots and reports are available which indicate whether data is normally distributed.

FnT Test AqcTools v 2.6

limit summary 4

Data Confidence: Customer, Auditor, Regulator

AqcTools provides a convenient, cost effective and dedicated package for Analysts and Managers to monitor their analytical quality and performance. With configurable and automatic trend and Rule failure identification, incorporating paper-free, auditable investigation reports, in-built Limit & Chart Review statistical analysis.

AqcTools is the complete AQC package that enables labs to meet Regulatory or regulatory requirements (DWI, MCerts, ISO 17025 & ISO 15189) and act upon any changes in analytical performance that could affect sample result quality – thus resulting in easier, quicker and better quality of reporting of results.

Contact Information  

To discuss your requirements and obtain further information or ask for a demonstration of AqcTools, please email: sales@csols.com .

We look forward to helping you improve your lab efficiency, results quality and regulatory compliance.

CSols Ltd. The Heath, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 4QX, UK
Tel:   +44 (0) 1928 513535
Web:   www.csols.com